We all want to look our best. You have a healthy lifestyle, good daily habits and you do your best to take care of your skin with your beauty routine while trying to keep your face natural. However, without knowing it, you sometimes make mistakes in your beauty routine that prevent you from obtaining the long-awaited results. 

Do beauty tips work for everyone?

 You listen to the advice of your mother, your friends and sisters, as well as the beauty tips given via social media, but the results are inconclusive. 

Maybe their tricks work for them, but you don't experience the same success. Or maybe you follow their advice to the letter, but your skin doesn't seem to react like theirs.

Unfortunately, these reviews are often inaccurate. Sometimes they are a good indication, but some of them cause you to make mistakes that drastically diminish the results of your efforts to have flawless skin, incredible glow and a natural face!
Don't worry, it's never too late to do well .

Click Here for further Information : Whitening cream

Do you have any idea how many people come to my salon who are worried about their wrinkles and the quality of their skin?  People forget that small actions lead to big results! 

Wrinkles, pigment spots, dull skin, blackheads, dry and sensitive skin; all of this can be improved and controlled with a daily beauty routine and regain flawless skin and a natural face. A beauty routine with simple gestures which, when repeated daily, make all the difference in the quality of the skin and the radiance of a natural face.
But beware, it is the same with the mistakes that we make repeatedly in our beauty routine. These can quickly cause us to lose the results of our efforts.

Mistake #1: Rinse only with water

People tend to rinse their facial skin like they see on TV commercials, by rinsing with water, only with their hands. It is very important to rinse your face with a towel or a washcloth to do a light exfoliation and make sure that all cleansers and dirt (pollution, dust, bacteria…) on the skin are gone. This also helps control the appearance of blackheads and stimulates microcirculation which oxygenates the skin and gives it a healthy glow.

Mistake #2: Not Exfoliating Enough

 People underestimate the power of exfoliation in their beauty routine. Not exfoliating often enough suffocates the skin and slows cell renewal. It is recommended to exfoliate at least three times a week for normal skin, and twice a week for sensitive skin.

Of course, with an exfoliant, a scrub or a peel adapted to your skin type. 

You will get much more results from your serums and creams because you apply them to fresh, clean skin that is ready to absorb the active ingredients. It will also keep your skin really well hydrated, which also keeps your complexion glowing.

 Mistake #3: Using paper tissues

Some people use tissue paper , to remove makeup, wipe their face, or apply lotion. It is important to know that most tissue manufacturers make them with glass particles which can irritate the skin.

It is therefore suggested to use what are called “cotton pads”, small round and thin cotton pads, either to remove make-up or to apply a tonic lotion.

 In addition, the transfer of liquids to the skin is much better. With a Kleenex, the fabric absorbs all the liquid and does not let it pass on the skin. In comparison, with cotton pads, everything is going really well: no irritation, good application of the tonic lotion, perfect make-up removal and perfect hydration!

Mistake #4: Not washing your face in the morning

Do not wash your face in the morning thinking that your skin is not dirty from the day before because you took a shower, put on your whitening cream and went to bed. 

This is a big mistake in our beauty routine, because during the night, your skin secretes sebum, sweat and there is bacteria formation. The cream you put on at night oxidizes during your hours of sleep. This means that it is no longer active on your skin, and worse, it can clog pores, create irritation, completely prevent your day creams from having an effect on your skin and in the long term suffocate skin that does not will respond more to your general care. It is therefore very important to wash with either a micellar lotion or rose water or a mild cleanser in the morning and rinse with a washcloth or washcloth.



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